Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here they are, Paige's ONE YEAR PICTURES! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm One!

Paige is now one! Holy cow time goes by fast! She is now walking around the house on her own, eating the same food as mom and dad, sometimes, maybe, if she feels like it, and saying a few words. She can say dada, mama, nana, gee-pa, and da (dog).We are also teaching her sign language and she can sign milk, more, eat, sleep, and dog. As you can see the dogs are the most important thing in life.
The slide show is for months 9, 10, and 11. Hey, we work, get over it! Her 1 year pictures will be up soon. Enjoy!

Sydney, Jesse, and Paige

Check out my Slide Show!

Paige and Lily

Paige and Lily
These bubble things are really fascinating!

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny
I like this Easter Bunny Guy!