Thursday, August 7, 2008

One Year Photos

Back by demand....Paige's 1 year photos! I'll never get tired of these! Have a great day!

The Monzillo Family

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Time

Well my summer is almost over so I thought I would share some of it with you! Paige and I have been having a great time! We try to dance to this song everyday! She loves to color, play outside, and dress-up in her tutu (or Cu-cu). In fact she sometime demands the tutu. She is also a lover of the "snack." As you will see in many of the photos she's eating her favorite snack, yogurt chips. She loves them so much that she won't share these with the dogs!

This summer has been filled with fun and sickness. Paige got a really bad cold and really high fever less than a week into her swimming lessons and we had to forgo the training. But Nana's pool has been a great place to learn. Paige is becoming an excellent swimmer! She can now kick with one leg or paddle her arms, of course not at the same time. We all hope she enjoys going in circles! Ha ha....! Her second bout with illness was Roseola. She had to miss her cousin Lily's 1st Birthday party. But the party came home and Paige enjoyed all the treat from the party with her Gee-pa! We would like to thank Mary Beth and Aunt Debbie for the treats!

Paige just recently got a swing set, I sure more photos will be included in the future. She LOVES IT! Paige helped her daddy build it and now the whole family gets to play! She has a ball climbing up the ladder and going down the slide! She's not much for the swings just yet. Her all time favorite is the sandbox! She just loves playing in the purple sand

Check out my Slide Show!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sea World

On April 29th Nana, Gayle, Kevin, Adriana, Paige, and Mommy went to Sea World. We had a great time! Again no nap all day! We saw the dolphin show, which was half dolphin and half entertainment from the little girl behind us. Paige loves kids as much as sea animals. We also got to feed the seals, and sting rays. Aunt Gayle even touched the sting rays! We're glad she didn't throw up, she was not impressed by there sliminess! Out of all the shows Paige really liked the Pets Rule show.

Mother's Day Project

This picture shows Paige helping Mommy find a Mother's Day project for her class. Paige did a great job painting her egg carton roses! I think we discovered a talent!

After painting the roses Mommy just had to get some hand prints. Look at those hands, they were ready! We had so much fun painting that day that we decided to do one art project each day over summer, yippee!

Paige went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park a few months ago with Gee-pa, Nana, Cheryl, and Mommy. She Refused to take a nap all day, but as you can see she was still happy at the end of the day! We are so blessed to have a happy baby! We got to feed the Lorikeets, walk through the butterfly exhibit, go nose to nose with the mirecats, and get up close to a lion! Out of all the excitement I think Paige's favorite activity was feeding the ducks!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here they are, Paige's ONE YEAR PICTURES! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm One!

Paige is now one! Holy cow time goes by fast! She is now walking around the house on her own, eating the same food as mom and dad, sometimes, maybe, if she feels like it, and saying a few words. She can say dada, mama, nana, gee-pa, and da (dog).We are also teaching her sign language and she can sign milk, more, eat, sleep, and dog. As you can see the dogs are the most important thing in life.
The slide show is for months 9, 10, and 11. Hey, we work, get over it! Her 1 year pictures will be up soon. Enjoy!

Sydney, Jesse, and Paige

Check out my Slide Show!

Paige and Lily

Paige and Lily
These bubble things are really fascinating!

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny
I like this Easter Bunny Guy!