Sunday, September 23, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Moving into 7 Months

Wow! Six months flew by. Paige still isn't crawling, unless you count going backwards! However, she has started to mimick waving hello/goodbye (What a treat for Daddy when he came home from the Big Bear Fire).
Just last night all the great grand kids got together for the first time. Paige loves to play with Little Lily! She also enjoyed meeting Kyle, or just loved to pull his hair, we're not sure yet. Those little babies were very fun!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Monzillo Family

Hi everyone! We wanted to keep everyone posted on how were are doing, so here it goes......

Jesse is hard at work. So far he's been fighting fires around here, in Oregon, Montana and Idaho! Wow we sure do miss him! Lucky for us we get to talk every night on the phone. Sydney is also hard at work with her second graders. She has a great group of twenty kids this year. Her only wish is to be home with Paige more often. Baby Paige is growing up so fast! She's six months old and rolling around everywhere. Yes, we said rolling, not crawling! She has the most darling laugh, more like a cough really, but cute as can be. People are still amazed by her, we think it's the hair. She is now playing with anything and everything, she has a very curious nature. She's also her father's daughter when it comes to food. She loves vegetables! However, she hates fruit and apple juice! Really.....who likes vegetables more than fruit?

Paige and Lily

Paige and Lily
These bubble things are really fascinating!

Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny
I like this Easter Bunny Guy!